Wednesday, December 1, 2010

november 16 minutes from the Rev'd Alan Knight, Deanery Secretary

November 16, 2010 
Holy Trinity, Chatham 
Chair Jane Cartier welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with prayer. 
Regrets: Archdeacon Richard Salt 
Minute of Remembrance: for Rob Potter 57, Warden of Christ Church, Chatham. 
Presentation of Diocesan Budget:  Canon Paul Rathbone. 
Treasurer’s Report: same as minutes 
Refugee Committee: settling in and progressing nicely 
Diocesan Council Report:  
Shirley Cudmore (Member of Diocesan Council): 
-increase in Synod delegate expense from $100 to $125 per delegate.  No increase since 2006. 
-new office locations at Synod Office 
-Bishop will soon announce decision on same sex blessings 
-Journal of the Proceedings of Huron Diocese soon to be published 
-singing of Silent Night in congregations for support of Bishop Ordinary to the Armed Forces 
Rev. Paul Millward (Regional Dean): 
-2 diocesan lawsuits (a) St. Aiden’s, Windsor & (b) First Nations individual attending Mohawk Institute for between 3 and 4 million dollars. 
-Strategic Diocesan plan.  Check diocesan website for download. 
-Appointment of a Director of Mission and Missionary Work in Diocese.   
Money to come from Huron Development Fund. Three year program to cost between 100 and 150 thousand per year. 
- Reminder to complete Safe Church declaration at Vestries in 2011 
- Please give names of new wardens for 2011 to Deanery Secretary. 
Singing and videoing of Silent Night 
Parishioners encouraged to search for new Chair of Deanery.  If you are interested in being on the Deanery Executive, please let Paul, Alan or Jane know as soon as possible so that we can have a full slate to present in February.  Be prepared at each meeting next year to discuss the Strategy Diocesan plan, especially as it pertains to your individual parish. 
Future Events: 
Next Deanery Meeting – Tuesday, 15 February – Holy Trinity, Chatham 7 PM 
Refreshments: St. Matthew’s, Florence; St. Paul’s, Erieau; and St. Thomas’, Dover 
Deanery Executive Meeting – Tuesday, 1 February, 2011 – 1:30 PM Holy Trinity, Chatham 
“I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving – we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it – but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.”  Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.