Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 15 Agenda

St. Paul’s, Chatham

Welcome & Prayer – Harvey German
Did You Know? – the Rev’d Marty Levesque – Youth Events in the Diocese
Minutes of 20 September 2011
Business Arising from Minutes
–Annual Report to council from Grace Church Rondeau, printed FYI only
Presentation of Diocesan Budget – Paul Rathbone, Diocesan Treasurer


Deanery Treasurer’s Report
Strategic Planning Update – Jane Cartier
Archdeacon’s Report
Parish Round Ups from
St. James Port Lambton,
Church of the Redeemer Highgate,
St. Peter’s Moraviantown

*Note: Announcements can be collected at the door.

Deanery Executive – Holy Trinity, Chatham – 7 Feb. 2012 - 1:30 PM

Kent Deanery Meeting – as the usual date of the 21st is Shrove Tuesday proposed date : Monday 20 Feb. 2012, 7:00 PM Holy Trinity, Chatham
Refreshments Feb Meeting provided by Team 1
St. James, Wallaceburg;
St. John-in-the-Woods, Aughrim;
Church of the Ascension, Comber

Report to Kent Deanery Council from Grace, Rondeau

October 3, 2011

We have completed another successful summer of ministry to the residents and campers at Rondeau Park.  This year, our summer intern was Paul Silcox who arrived in time to start his summer ministry on the first Sunday of June.  We hosted the parish picnic as a kick-off to fourteen Sundays of ministry in the park.  We also held ten Wednesday Eucharists in July and August.

With cool weather all summer, our Sunday attendance was down over past years and consequently, our offerings were also down.  On an up note though, our Wednesday attendance was up over previous years.  We held one memorial service and one funeral in the Church this summer and we hosted Bishop Bob Bennett for the annual Bishop’s visit on August 17th.

The roof on the Church and cottage, which was beginning to leak quite badly, was replaced this summer at a cost of $5,834.20.  In addition, we did some minor repairs to the septic system which we hope will allow the system to keep working for a few more years.

We would like to thank the Kent Deanery Council for your $1,500.  We would also like to thank St. Paul’s, Erieau, Trinity, Blenheim and the joint Chatham Churches picnic for their financial support this year totalling $1,715.05.

And a special thank you to the following ACW groups for their continuing support to a total of $900: Christ Church, Chatham, Christ Church, Dresden, Church of the Redeemer, Highgate, Holy Trinity, Chatham, St. Paul’s, Erieau, St. James, Wallaceburg, and the Ladies Guild of Trinity Church, Blenheim.

While support from our local Churches and ACWs was down about $1,500 over the last two years, we are very grateful for the support of all the groups who donated this year.  This has helped us to keep our operating deficit under $1,400.  Without all this great support, our deficit would have been over $5,500.  Thank you everyone.

Respectfully submitted,
 Dennis Cartier