Tuesday, April 17, 2012

agenda April 17, 2012

Christ Church, Chatham – 17 April 2012 – 7:00 PM

Welcome & Prayer – Harvey German
Prayer: Look at us, your church, hiding behind closed doors, afraid of change, anxious that even our embers will be quenched.  The world’s winds have taken our breath away; we’re lost for words to tell our faith.  Come, Holy Spirit, kindle a spark in every soul, cauterise our wounds, loosen our tongues, warm our hearts, and – with your help – make a cheerful bonfire of the stuff we don’t need.  Change us, and then, in us, light fires of love that will transform the world.  Come, Holy Spirit, come.”
Minutes of 20th February 2012
Business Arising From the Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
No expenditures since last report save and except monthly bank charges of $1.95.
All Deanery dues have been paid with two exceptions.

Canons and Constitution:
Paul Rathbone – Diocesan Treasurer
Lindsey Elwood – Diocesan Chancellor



1)What is the purpose of Deanery Council?
Is it (a) top down information dissemination? (b) grass roots community building? (c) what’s our direction?

Canon 31.4.
The purposes of the Deanery Council shall be as follows:
(a)   To strengthen the Clerical and lay life of the Church within the Regional Deanery and, to assist the Bishop, the Diocesan Council and the Diocesan Synod in their responsibilities;
(b)   To maintain an effective communication link between Parishes and Synod and between Synod and parishes;
(c)     To educate Lay Representatives and their substitutes and Clergy in synodical procedures;
(d)   (d) to encourage its Parishes to develop and maintain frequent inter-Parish communication and to work as partners-in-mission with the other Parishes in the Regional Deanery.
Canon 31:5
(e)    The Deanery Council, through its Regional Dean, shall send a written invitation to all Parishes of the Regional Deanery to submit in writing, subjects to be placed on the agenda of forthcoming meetings of the Deanery Council for enquiry, discussion and recommendation.

Parish Roundups


Next Meeting: September 18, 2012 at St. Paul’s Chatham, 7pm

Team 3
Church of the Advent, Ridgetown; St. Stephen’s, Thamesville; and St. Andrew’s, Tilbury.

minutes of the February meeting

by the Rev'd Alan Knight, Deanery Secretary                                                        
Holy Trinity, Chatham, 20 February 2012
Lenten Reflection – The Rev’d Alan Knight
Remembrance of Deceased Members of the Deanery
Grace Church, Rondeau – Update
Minutes of 15 November 2011.  Moved:  Gary Parker.  Second: Shirley Cudmore.  Carried
Business Arising From the Minutes

Lay Co-Chair: Harvey German.  Moved: Alan Knight.  Second: Steve Currey.  Carried
Secretary: Alan Knight.  Moved: Havey German.  Second: David Fuller.  Carried
Co-Treasurers: Sheldon Parsons & Wayne Garrett.  Moved: Jane Cartier.  Second: Diane Watson.  Carried
2 Lay Members at Large: Shirley Cudmore & Alan Bedford.  Moved: Havey German. Second; Simone McGuigan. Carried.
Clergy Member at Large: Len Myers.  Moved: Gary Parker.  Second: Alan Knight
Deanery Representative: Shirley Cudmore. Nominated by Jane Cartier.  Second: Diane Watson
                                                     Harvey German. Nominated by Simone McGuigan.  Second: Steve Currey
Harvey German elected.
Deanery Representative in election to Diocesan Synod: Shirley Cudmore.
Youth Representative: Avery Speller.  Moved: Alan Knight.  Second: Diane Watson


Induction Ceremony for New Deanery Executive

Archdeacon’s Report:
1) Safe church for both vulnerable adults as well as children
2) Pulpit exchanges within the deanery
3) Improve communication of ideas
4) Scattering Grounds for Ashes – impossible to decommission
5) Guidelines for Diocesan grants and loans
6) Huron Development Fund

SPIG (Strategic Plan Implementation Group) – Jane Cartier

Ideas from Brainstorming:
1) Pulpit exchange
2) Joint confirmations
3) “We don’t feel like we’re listened to...”
4) ”Whatever happened with Back to Church Sunday...” – feedback?
5) ”Deanery council is not a club...”
6) Some people are tired and over-volunteered.

Suggestions for future discussions
1) Should and could the Deanery fund an assistant curate?
2) Discussion about Lay Readers and how they function
3) Name tags for everyone
4) Need to do Brainstorming activity again but in smaller groups
5 )Needs to be fun so we want to come and engage in the life of the Deanery

Parish Round Ups

Kent Deanery Meeting – Christ Church – 17 April 2012 – 7 PM
Refreshments April Meeting Provided by Team #2
St. Matthew’s, Florence; St. Paul’s, Erieau and St. Thomas, Dover