The Anglican Church of Canada has many dioceses. One is the Diocese of Huron. The Diocese of Huron has many deaneries. One is called Kent, and sits in the lush farmland, villages and urbanity of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent (with a little surrounding county overlap) in Southwestern Ontario.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Minutes of the November 17 meeting
17 NOVEMBER 2009 – 7:00 PM
Regional Dean David Fuller opened the meeting with prayer at 7:14 PM.
Canon Paul Rathbone presented the Diocesan budget on DVD followed by additional explanations and discussion.
The minutes of 22 September were accepted as presented.
Moved by: Harvey German. Seconded by: Ralph Deline. Passed
No business arising from minutes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Moved by: Harvey German. Seconded by: George Allen. Passed.
$3460.04 Balance
Harvey German stated that all parishes have paid their deanery apportionment.
Bishop Terry Dance ‘Meet at Greet’ at St. Paul’s, Chatham $130 – paid
Budget for 2010: $5169
[The original intent of Regional Funding was to grow the church]
Grace Church, Rondeau $2500.
Moved by Ralph Deline. Seconded by Shirley Cudmore. Passed
Canadian Lutheran/Anglican Youth (CLAY) $400 – 2 persons
Moved by Alan Knight. Seconded by Harvey German. Passed
Deanery Payment for Youth Delegates to Synod – 2 youth $200
Workshop for Wardens and Treasurers $400 &
Bishop Ed Leidel (Transformation vs. Change 31 March 2010 - $150 (from Deanery Account)
Moved by George Allen. Seconded by Hugh Valley. Passed.
Regional Dean and Co-Lay Chair to write to Diocese returning unused funding.
Report from Diocesan Council – Shirley Cudmore
- Discussion of visionary of the future of church within next ten years
- Bishops role in church – reduce number of diocesan councils
- Return of deanery funding
- Bishop Terry’s report on clergy conference
- Relocation of graves in Delaware cemetery due to unearthing by weather
Archdeacon Salt
Strategic Planning Task Force to review the recommendations of “Who Is My Neighbour"
Request for volunteers – 2 clergy and 3 laypersons
Report of Regional Dean & Lay Co-Chairs
- Meet twice a year
- Looking forward to hearing about ‘Back to Church Sunday’
Executive will form the nominating committee for our next meeting. Volunteers are urgently needed as so many of the executive members are not returning. They will come knocking, if they don’t get volunteers.
Broke into Smaller Discussion Groups
What gives us our sense of identity in Kent Deanery?
- Relationship between single & multi-point, urban & rural
- Deanery library at Christ Church
- Planning and organization at our Deanery meetings
- Special events
Congratulations to Kent folks who received the Bishops’ Award of Excellence in Ministry:
Dennis Carter – St. Paul’s, Erieau
Judy Grey – Trinity, Blenheim
Doris Hall – St. James’, Wallaceburg
Don Henley – Holy Trinity, Chatham
Marilyn McDonald – Holy Trinity, Chatham
Terry & Mary Jane Youlton – Church of the Advent, Ridgetown
This evening’s refreshments provided by St. Matthew’s Florence; St. Thomas’, Dover & St. Paul’s, Erieau
Important Dates:
Next Meeting – 9 February 2010 – Holy Trinity, Chatham – 7:00 PM
Refreshments: Church of the Advent, Ridgetown; St. Stephen’s, Thamesville & St. Andrew’s, Tilbury
31 March – Bishop Ed Leidel – place and time to be announced
Every church is one generation away from extinction UNLESS we get our act together.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
budget meeting
service of new ministry
There will be a 'Service of New Ministry' for the Reverend Gary Parker on 15 NOVEMBER 2009 (SU) at 4:00 p.m.. It will be held at St. Andrew's, Tilbury. Please come out and celebrate with Gary and the people of Tilbury and Comber as they begin this new journey. Gary's son, the Reverend Rob Parker, will be the guest preacher. Rob is currently serving as a chaplain in the Canadian Armed Forces.
If you are able to attend, please contact Father Gary so arrangements can be made for the luncheon following the service.
Thank you for your time and attention in this matter! God bless each of you as we end this Church year and prepare to start the new one!
Regional Dean - Kent
Monday, October 19, 2009
meet and greet
on Monday, October 19, 2009
6:30 - 9 pm
St. Paul’s, Chatham
All members of Kent Deanery congregations are invited.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Minutes of the September 22, 2009, meeting
1. Lay Chair, Jane Cartier, welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. The Rev. Len Myers and Shirley Sewell led in a short worship service.
2. Did you Know? In light of the Who is My Neighbour study by Mrylene Boken, some questions have been raised by the final generation churches. Jane indicated that according to Canons, when a church is stated to close:
All personal property of the church will become vested in the Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron on the closing date of the church as set by Diocesan Council. Diocesan Council will be responsible for the disposition of all indisposed personal property that exists of the date of the closing of the church. At the final Vestry, any recommendations for the disposal of personal and real property can be made. These recommendations will be forwarded to Diocesan Council for their consideration.
3. Business arising form the minutes of February 17, 2009:
a) Several members who receive minutes through Canada Post requested that the font be enlarged on said minutes to enable ease of reading.
b) E-mail users indicated that it was difficult to open the attachments for minutes and agendas.
c) Jane indicated that the motion sent by Kent Deanery regarding the election/selection of Diocesan Council was tabled as there was a committee in place charged with reviewing all the canons and constitutions. The motion regarding the Episcopal Election process, especially in regards to meeting candidates, was referred to the same committee. The motion recommending the suspension of Regional Funding was defeated.
4. a) Harvey German gave the financial report which was accepted.
b) Dennis Cartier gave a report on the activities of Grace Church, Rondeau.
c) The Rev. Michelle Collins-Wongkee gave an update on the status of the shipping to Mtatha Diocese.
5. a) Lawrene Denkers gave a short report on the PWRDF’S Refugee Project.
b) George Allen gave an overview of a Legacy Giving Workshop Holy Trinity, Chatham, would like to have as a Deanery event.
c) Jane indicated that the Executive would like to have the Deanery sponsor a “Meet and Greet” for Bishop Terry Dance and a Workshop led by Bishop Ed Leidel during the next year.
Feedback was requested:
Moved by The Rev. Stephen Demitroff, seconded by Hugh Vallee that: A Deanery committee be struck to look at the sponsorship of refugees, seriously looking at funding, including beyond the Deanery, and that a report be given at the February Deanery Council meeting. Carried. The Rev. Kristen Oliver is to be the contact person for this committee. Anyone in the Deanery who is interested in serving on this committee is to contact her at St. Paul’s, Chatham.
Further support was given for the Legacy Giving Workshop, the “Meet and Greet,” Rondeau and Bishop Leidel. The Executive will present a budget at the November meeting to address these areas,
6. Shirley Cudmore gave a report from Diocesan Council with special emphasis on the financial woes of the Diocese. St. John the Baptist, Walpole Island, is now part of the Lambton Deanery.
7. Important Dates:
October 19 – “Meet and Greet” with Bishop Terry – to be determined
November 17 – Joint meeting with Lambton Deanery at St. James, Wallaceburg to receive the Diocesan budget.
March 31, 2010 – Session with Bishop Leidel.
8. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. with the Grace
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Alan Knight writes:
We will meet at Christ Church, Chatham, on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 at 7:00 PM. Clericus will gather at 3:00 PM.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Meeting to discuss Synod motions
Jane Cartier, Chair
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Please Join Us
at 7 p.m.
Holy Trinity Church , Chatham
For a
Workshop for Wardens & Treasurers
The Kent Deanery Council would like to thank all the wardens and treasurers for their time and energy on behalf of their parish.
RSVP by March 20th to Alan Knight @
or 519-354-1072
February 17, 2009 meeting at Holy Trinity
Shirley Sewell led a short service of worship
Mike Ternovan, church warden at Holy Trinity, Chatham spoke on the upcoming visit of the Rev’d Mark Tiller of Niagara Diocese for the presentation of the one-man-show “St. Paul’s First Letter to the Christians in Corinth” on the 28th of March 2009
Lay Co-Chair outlined the responsibilities of the officers of the Deanery Executive
The Minutes from November 2008
Moved by: Harvey German & seconded by George Allen that the minutes be accepted as distributed and read. Passed
Business Arising From the Minutes:
No all candidates meeting prior to the election of a Suffragen Bishop
Ash Wednesday or Deanery Holy Day cancelled due to the lack of a leader
Reminder that a Diocesan history would be placed in local libraries – tabeled
Financial Report
Income $14,182.49; Expenses $13,028.43; Bank Balance 31/12/08 $2,834.49
Moved by Treasurer Derwyn Armstrong and seconded by Dennis Cartier – carried
Archdeacon’s Report
Details for clergy meeting at St. Jude’s, London 2 April at 9:30 am.
State of Diocese of Huron’s relations with St. Aiden’s, Windsor
Possibility of future diocesan financial difficulties in reference to diocesan treasurer Paul Rathbone
Question of the continuence of regional funding
Deanery Business
Discussion of financial obligations for the coming year
Diocesan Executive Council for 2009
David Fuller. Nominated by Alan Knight & Paul Millward
Alternate: Michelle Collins-Wongkee. Nominated by Kirsten Oliver & Len Myers
Deanery Elections
Lay Co-Chair: Jane Cartier. Nominations closed. Paul Woolley & Derwyn Armstrong
Deputy Co-Chair: Shirley Sewell. Nominations closed. Derwin Armstrong & Barbara Wicks.
Treasurer: Harvey German. Moved by Janice Unsworth. Seconded by Ron Hunter.
Nominations closed. Paul Woolley & Simone McGuigan
Secretary: Alan Knight. Moved by Paul Woolley. Seconded by Ralph Deline.
Nominations closed. Dennis Cartier & Michelle Collins-Wongkee
Two clergy on Executive: Len Myers. Nominated by Paul Woolley & Michelle Collins-Wongkee
Kristen Oliver. Nominated by Michelle Collins-Wongkee & Alan Knight
Two lay representatives: Shirley Cudmore. Moved by Jane Cartier. Seconded by Jean Wesley
Ralph Deline. Moved by Ron Hunter. Seconded by Harvey German
Nominations be closed. Moved by Derwyn Armstrong. Seconded by Shirley Sewell.
Two Youth Representatives to be appointed.
Diocesan Council for 2009
Shirley Cudmore. Moved by Harvey German. Seconded by Stephen Demitroff. Nominations closed.
Michelle Collins-Wongkee & Jean Wesley
Alternate: Simone McGuigan. Moved by Harvey German. Seconded by Ron Hunter. Nominations closed.
Dennis Cartier & Shirley Cudmore.
5 additional names for Diocesan Council
Simone McGuigan. Nominated by Shirley Cudmore & Stan Pepper
Ron Hunter. Nominated by Ralph Deline & Dennis Cariter
Harve German. Nominated by Ralph Deline & Dennis Cartier
Nominations be closed. Moved by Paul Woolley & Hugh Vallee
Library Committee
Michelle Collins-Wongkee
Alan Knight
Shirley Sewell
Ralph Deline
Motion #1: Whereas many Synod delegates do not know Synod members from other deaneries, voting for someone unknown, defeats the purpose of a democratic process and further inhibits the communication process. One of the alternatives that needs to be explored is that of having a set number of members elected by each Deanery Council with no election at Synod, and;
Whereas, in these times of fiscal restraints, we need to explore options that will, at the very least, incur no increased costs;
Be it resolved that this Synod direct the Bishop to establish a task force to investigate alternative ways to elect a Diocesan Council. The task force, comprised of members from the Lay Co-Chairs and Regional Deans of the diocese, is to report back to 2010 Synod with options, including maintaining the status quo, for Synod consideration.
Moved by Jane Cartier. Seconded by Michelle Collis-Wongkee. Approved [unanimously] by Deanery Council
Motion #2: Grace Church, Rondeau – Parish Internship Programme.
Regarding Grace Church: Jane reported that St. Paul’s, Erieau had $500 in budget to cover deficit. Dennis on financial situation suggested that ACWs do support (to $100) financial cost as some do now. The mileage and salary are paid by the parish. Money that goes to the student does not help with costs of the parish.
Report of Diocesan Council
Nothing to report from Shirley Cudmore
Other Business
Items for future agendas should be submitted to the Regional Dean
Distribution of the Executive Members names and phone numbers for information purposes
Mthatha companion diocese – pledges for 2012 – Michelle Collins-Wongkee
Motion #3: Notify diocese that we limit deanery funding to $2250 and all other funding to be used towards diocesan deficit.
Moved by Dennis Cartier. Seconded by George Allen. Carried unanimously.
Planning for the meeting of new church wardens and treasurers
Ordination of Kristen Oliver to the priesthood at St. George’s in Sarnia – 19 March at 7 PM
Notification to Deanery of Christ Church, Dresden’s 150th anniversary on the 4th of October
Adjournment: 9:18 pm
Next Meeting: 22 September