Tuesday, March 10, 2009

February 17, 2009 meeting at Holy Trinity

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm followed by a short reflection on the recently deceased the Rev’d Richard Burden-Murphy.
Shirley Sewell led a short service of worship
Mike Ternovan, church warden at Holy Trinity, Chatham spoke on the upcoming visit of the Rev’d Mark Tiller of Niagara Diocese for the presentation of the one-man-show “St. Paul’s First Letter to the Christians in Corinth” on the 28th of March 2009
Lay Co-Chair outlined the responsibilities of the officers of the Deanery Executive
The Minutes from November 2008
Moved by: Harvey German & seconded by George Allen that the minutes be accepted as distributed and read. Passed
Business Arising From the Minutes:
No all candidates meeting prior to the election of a Suffragen Bishop
Ash Wednesday or Deanery Holy Day cancelled due to the lack of a leader
Reminder that a Diocesan history would be placed in local libraries – tabeled
Financial Report
Income $14,182.49; Expenses $13,028.43; Bank Balance 31/12/08 $2,834.49
Moved by Treasurer Derwyn Armstrong and seconded by Dennis Cartier – carried
Archdeacon’s Report
Details for clergy meeting at St. Jude’s, London 2 April at 9:30 am.
State of Diocese of Huron’s relations with St. Aiden’s, Windsor
Possibility of future diocesan financial difficulties in reference to diocesan treasurer Paul Rathbone
Question of the continuence of regional funding
Deanery Business
Discussion of financial obligations for the coming year
Diocesan Executive Council for 2009
David Fuller. Nominated by Alan Knight & Paul Millward
Alternate: Michelle Collins-Wongkee. Nominated by Kirsten Oliver & Len Myers
Deanery Elections
Lay Co-Chair: Jane Cartier. Nominations closed. Paul Woolley & Derwyn Armstrong
Deputy Co-Chair: Shirley Sewell. Nominations closed. Derwin Armstrong & Barbara Wicks.
Treasurer: Harvey German. Moved by Janice Unsworth. Seconded by Ron Hunter.
Nominations closed. Paul Woolley & Simone McGuigan
Secretary: Alan Knight. Moved by Paul Woolley. Seconded by Ralph Deline.
Nominations closed. Dennis Cartier & Michelle Collins-Wongkee
Two clergy on Executive: Len Myers. Nominated by Paul Woolley & Michelle Collins-Wongkee
Kristen Oliver. Nominated by Michelle Collins-Wongkee & Alan Knight
Two lay representatives: Shirley Cudmore. Moved by Jane Cartier. Seconded by Jean Wesley
Ralph Deline. Moved by Ron Hunter. Seconded by Harvey German
Nominations be closed. Moved by Derwyn Armstrong. Seconded by Shirley Sewell.
Two Youth Representatives to be appointed.
Diocesan Council for 2009
Shirley Cudmore. Moved by Harvey German. Seconded by Stephen Demitroff. Nominations closed.
Michelle Collins-Wongkee & Jean Wesley
Alternate: Simone McGuigan. Moved by Harvey German. Seconded by Ron Hunter. Nominations closed.
Dennis Cartier & Shirley Cudmore.
5 additional names for Diocesan Council
Simone McGuigan. Nominated by Shirley Cudmore & Stan Pepper
Ron Hunter. Nominated by Ralph Deline & Dennis Cariter
Harve German. Nominated by Ralph Deline & Dennis Cartier
Nominations be closed. Moved by Paul Woolley & Hugh Vallee
Library Committee
Michelle Collins-Wongkee
Alan Knight
Shirley Sewell
Ralph Deline

Motion #1: Whereas many Synod delegates do not know Synod members from other deaneries, voting for someone unknown, defeats the purpose of a democratic process and further inhibits the communication process. One of the alternatives that needs to be explored is that of having a set number of members elected by each Deanery Council with no election at Synod, and;
Whereas, in these times of fiscal restraints, we need to explore options that will, at the very least, incur no increased costs;
Be it resolved that this Synod direct the Bishop to establish a task force to investigate alternative ways to elect a Diocesan Council. The task force, comprised of members from the Lay Co-Chairs and Regional Deans of the diocese, is to report back to 2010 Synod with options, including maintaining the status quo, for Synod consideration.

Moved by Jane Cartier. Seconded by Michelle Collis-Wongkee. Approved [unanimously] by Deanery Council

Motion #2: Grace Church, Rondeau – Parish Internship Programme.

Regarding Grace Church: Jane reported that St. Paul’s, Erieau had $500 in budget to cover deficit. Dennis on financial situation suggested that ACWs do support (to $100) financial cost as some do now. The mileage and salary are paid by the parish. Money that goes to the student does not help with costs of the parish.


Report of Diocesan Council
Nothing to report from Shirley Cudmore
Other Business
Items for future agendas should be submitted to the Regional Dean
Distribution of the Executive Members names and phone numbers for information purposes
Mthatha companion diocese – pledges for 2012 – Michelle Collins-Wongkee
Motion #3: Notify diocese that we limit deanery funding to $2250 and all other funding to be used towards diocesan deficit.
Moved by Dennis Cartier. Seconded by George Allen. Carried unanimously.
Planning for the meeting of new church wardens and treasurers
Ordination of Kristen Oliver to the priesthood at St. George’s in Sarnia – 19 March at 7 PM
Notification to Deanery of Christ Church, Dresden’s 150th anniversary on the 4th of October

Adjournment: 9:18 pm

Next Meeting: 22 September

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