Friday, March 12, 2010

February minutes

21 FEBRUARY 2010
Welcome, opening words and prayer by Regional Dean, the Rev. Paul Millward
Nominations & Elections for 2010:
Lay Co-Chair: Jane Cartier. Moved by Barbara Wicks. Seconded by Dennis Cartier.
Nominations closed. Elected
Treasurer: Harvey German. Moved by Alan Knight. Seconded by Gary Parker.
Nominations closed. Elected
Secretary: Alan Knight. Moved by Gary Parker. Seconded by Stephen Demitroff
Nominations closed. Elected
Member at Large: Shirley Cudmore. Moved by Jane Cartier. Seconded by Barbara Wicks
Nominations closed. Elected
Diocesan Council: Myrna Yakubovich, Shirley Cudmore & Harvey German
Harvey German elected by vote
Youth Delegates: Emily Armstrong & Laura Webb
New Business:
Refugee Program: The Rev. Kristen Oliver announced a plan whereby a refugee family come to Canada at a cost of $20,000 per year. This entails a $5,000 commitment from the national PWRDF and $15,000 from the Deanery of Kent (approximately $2,500 from each parish). Parishes would consult with their people as to their interest and intended level of involvement.
Lay Chair, Jane Cartier, announced planned visit of Diocesan Coach, Bishop Ed Leidel, on Wednesday, 31 March, at St. James Wallaceburg (7 PM) and encouraged attendance. “Our present decade is a tough one. Being the Church today is no piece of cake. The economics and politics of our world are in disarray. So how do we respond?” CANCELLED AS OF 10/03/10.
Parishes presented their responses to “Who is your Neighbour?”
For written submissions consult taskforce. letmein.

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