Thursday, August 9, 2007

Just so everyone remembers:

“The people of the Anglican Diocese of Huron are called by God to work together as a servant community. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and by our words and actions joyfully bear witness in the world to the transforming power of God’s love.”

Minutes: May 1, 2007

Kent Deanery Council
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday May 1, 2007

Ascension, Comber Lila McFadden
Marla Pearce
Christ Church, Chatham Rev. Paul Millward – Regional Dean
Harvey German
Adam Argenti
Derwyn Armstrong
Ralph Deline
Anthony Praill
Geoff Millward
Holy Trinity, Chatham Rev. John Hodgins
Rev. Deacon Elaine Wilcox
Sue Martin
Wanda Dekker
George Allen
Parish of the Transfiguration
Rev. Stephen Demitroff
Rev. Michelle Collins-Wongkee

Church of the Advent, Ridgetown Shirley Cudmore

St. Matthew’s, Florence Shirley Sewell
Myrna Yakubovich

St. Stephen’s Thamesville Carol Cartier

Christ Church, Dresden Linda Deburger
Tom Deburger
Janice Unsworth
Church of the Redeemer, Highgate Ruth Boos

St. Paul’s, Chatham Rev. Karen Nelles
Stan Pepper
Bill Elders
Hugh Vallee
Betty Thompson

St. Thomas, Dover Twp. Grace Shaw

Parish of Rondeau Bay
Trinity, Blenheim Rev. David Fuller
Mavis Purdy

Jean Churchill
Simone McGuigan
Sherri Burke

St Paul’s, Erieau Jeannette Vidler
Eva Apfield

St. James the Apostle Rev. Len Myers
Sandra Slaney
Eric Vande Velde

St. James the Apostle, Port Lambton Wilson Hayter
Sally Hayter
Roy Grealis

Archdeacon Ven. Richard Salt

Regrets: Jane Cartier, Dennis Cartier

The meeting of the Kent Deanery Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Everyone was welcomed by the Regional Dean Rev. Paul Millward.

Rev. David Fuller and Shirley Sewell led the worship.

Minutes of Mar. 6, 2007:
On a motion of Rev. John Hodgins, seconded by Shirley Cudmore, the minutes were adopted as circulated with errors to the spelling of names corrected. CARRIED

Business Arising from the Minutes
Three of the youth delegates, Eric Vande Velde, Geoff Millward and Anthony Praill were welcomed to the meeting. All three will be attending the youth synod prior to the diocesan synod.
Rev. Paul Millward explained that a motion was not sent to synod concerning the budget presentation. Cliff Crausland of Sarnia who is a member of the budget committee will be invited to attend a Kent Deanery Council meeting to hear and discuss issues voiced over the last budget presentation.
Up to 5 Deanery Representatives’ names for election to Diocesan Council may be submitted. We have three: Shirley Cudmore, Harvey German and John Findeis.

Financial Report
Derwyn Armstong reported a bank balance of $1621.50. He offered an appreciation to all parishes that had sent in their deanery dues. Derwyn moved the acceptance of his report. Jeannette Vidler seconded the motion. CARRIED

Archdeacon’s Report:
The Venerable Rev. Richard Salt had no report to make.

Clarification of Synod Motions:
Rev. Paul Millward spoke to the upcoming synod motions.
* He reminded everyone that section two contains the reports. The reports as well as the bios of those running for Diocesan Council should be previewed prior to synod.
* Motions 1 / 2/ 3 all contain housekeeping issues
* Motion 4 has to do with the legality of the terms rector / incumbent. Lay readers are to resign when a rector leaves and this is a time when they are most needed.
* Motion 5 deals with issues of staffing practices concerning hiring and dismissal. These times should include direct consultation with the Director of Human Resources.
* Motion 6 is an amendment of Canon 33 concerning the number of years of service.
* Motion 7 is a housekeeping motion to change the wording to coincide with the January 1st, 2006 reference to members’ contributions to the pension fund.
* Motion 8 comes from a notice of motion from last year’s synod. The change to the canon is not really a change to the practice.
* Motion 9 deals with the chaplaincy at St. Monica’s House.
* Motion 10 refers to the letter of acknowledgement concerning the appointment of a national indigenous bishop. This has already taken place.
* Motion 11 concerns the university chaplains and the years they are deemed on leave of absence from the diocese to work for the university. Rev. Salt distributed a report from section 2 that the Human Resource Committee has offered on this issue.


Report of Diocesan Council:
Simone McGuigan reported that there had not been a council meeting since our last deanery meeting.

Other Business:
Dianne Garrett, our lay representative for Kent, serving on the Sesquicentennial Committee, gave an animated report. She spoke of the showing of the DVD at Christ Church and suggested more parishes arrange a showing if they have not already done so. Dianne has spoken to eleven parishes in the Kent Deanery concerning upcoming events. She reported that 34 from Kent had signed up to join the choir. She also spoke to the transportation sign-up sheet and how important it was to have this information so buses could be ordered.

Shirley Sewell spoke to the Imagine Huron Survey results. One recommendation concerning the development of a deanery website was approved. On a motion from Rev. Karen Nelles, seconded by Rev. Stephen Demitroff, Shirley Sewell will contact Lawrene Denkers about setting up the website with the costs incurred covered by the deanery. Shirley is to send a card to Lawrene thanking her on behalf of the deanery for her kind offer to be web master.

The library committee displayed several books from the deanery library housed at Christ Church. They encouraged members to take advantage of this excellent set of resource materials.

Rev. Karen Nelles thanked Rev. Paul Millward for the excellent presentation on the clarification of the synod motions.

Refreshment Schedule: Treats for the September 18th meeting are to be provided by St. Stephen’s, Mitchell’s Bay, St. Andrew’s, Tilbury and Ascension, Comber . Rev. Michelle Collins-Wongkee volunteered to lead the worship.

* Rev. David Fuller reminded clericus that their June meeting would take place in Rondeau Park in order to meet the summer student.
* On July 11th, Bishop Howe will be celebrating communion at Rondeau at 10 a.m. with a potluck lunch to follow.
* Posters were distributed by Holy Trinity to promote the event to raise money to rebuild St. Judes Cathedral in Aqualuit. Bishop Atagotaaluk will be the guest speaker.
* Joy In Prayer at ELAM on May 5th
* The Sesquicentennial cross will be in the Kent Deanery in August. The first Sunday it will be at Walpole Island and the third Sunday it will be in Moraviantown.

Grace: was said by all present following a motion for adjournment by Adam Argenti at

Next Meeting: September 18, 2007 at St. Paul’s Chatham.