Wednesday, October 5, 2011

minutes of the September 20, 2011, meeting

(from Kent Deanery secretary, the Rev'd Alan Knight)
Welcome – Harvey German
Reflection – The Rev’d Len Myers read from Lucy Moore’s, The Messy Church.
Back to Church Sunday – collection of videos were viewed
Minutes of 26 April 2011 – Moved by: Jane Cartier.  Seconded: Len Myers.  Carried
Business Arising From the Minutes –
In accordance with a motion passed 20 April 2010 the sum of $1500 was paid to Grace Church, Rondeau
for maintenance and building repairs.
Archdeacon suggested that the each church in the Deanery set aside one Sunday each year whereby the open offering be donated to Grace Church or that each parish designate a donation of approximately $100.  Tabled for the moment as part of an on-going discussion.
Treasurer’s Report  Moved: Sheldon Parsons.  Seconded: Stephen Demitroff
Opening balance: $3946.57. Income from dues: $808.84.  Expenses: $1995.55. 
Closing balance:   $2807.56.
Motion:  That $500 be aside for Grace Church, Rondeau maintenance if, as and when required.
Moved by: Stephen Demitroff.  Seconded: Gary Parker.  Carried.
Diocesan Council Report: Harvey German
Increase of 2.5% expected for apportionment and minimum stipend.
In September only one point of multi point parishes will be invoiced for single payment of stipend
Archdeacon’s Report – Visions, difficulties and redirections within the deanery, everything is on the table as we vision who we are in Kent. 
Archdeacon thanked the representatives of the parishes for keeping up with their apportionments.
Reminded parishes to keep rectories in good condition and inspect on an annual basis.
Strategic Planning – Consult diocesan website
It was suggested that Archdeacon Richard Salt and the strategic planning committee meet separately from Deanery council to discuss the plan.  Suggested date was at St. James’, Wallaceburg on Saturday, 26 November 2011 between 10 AM and 12 Noon.  To be confirmed.
New Business
The Rev. Len Myers suggested that Deanery institute a process whereby we recognize sick and ailing members.
The Regional Dean proposed that in the future advertisements for parish events be distributed in printed form.  Instead parishes will be encouraged to present a 5 minute (pictures are encouraged) overview of life in their various churches and communities.
A proposal to vision the future plans for the Deanery was made by Jane Cartier.  It was thought this could be discussed at our February meeting.
Adjourn – motion moved by Jane Cartier.
Pot Luck, St. Paul’s, Chatham 1 October - 6 PM – 1 Year anniversary of Giday, Thador and Niveen.
St. James, Wallaceburg – Free Meal – 7 October 5-6:30 PM.
Christ Church, Chatham – 150th Anniversary Dinner/Dance @ Club Lentinas.  Social Hour 5 PM.  Dinner 6 PM.  Tickets: Youth $17.  Adults $35.
St. Paul’s, Erieau – 26 October – Spaghetti Dinner 5-7 PM
St. Andrew’s, Tilbury – 110th Anniversary with Bishop Jack Peck – 6 November 10:30 AM and Lunch.
Church of the Advent, Ridgetown – Anniversary Service – 13 November 3 PM.  Clergy are invited to vest (colour blue).
Next Deanery Council: St. Paul’s Chatham – 15 November 2011, 7 PM.
November Meeting refreshments provided by Team 4:
St. James’. Port Lambton; Church of the Redeemer, Highgate; and St. Peter’s, Moraviantown.
For future deanery minutes consult Kent Deanery website at http://www./
Clergy asked to distribute to deanery members in their parishes without e-mail.
If unable to attend deanery meetings please contact the Regional Dean at