Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Minutes of the Deanery of Kent
St. James Wallaceburg
4 November 2008

Secretary: The Reverend Alan Knight
Following a presentation of the Diocesan budget the meeting opened at 8 PM

The minutes were examined for omissions and errors and the following corrections were made:
1) Stan Pepper of St. Paul’s, Chatham announced a barbeque and day camp for 32 children.
2) 2) St. Stephen’s, Mitchell Bay was designated a Chapel of Ease pending the approval of diocesan council on 12 December.

Motion: to accept the minutes with corrections. Moved by Sue Martin. Seconded by Michelle Collins-Wongkee.

Query concerning funding for meetings with candidates for the position of suffrage bishop in 2009. Should deanery budget $500.00?

New Business:
A short review of deanery budget and proposed spending.

Motion: That copies of Huron’s diocesan history A Light In the Forest be distributed to local libraries after January 2009 (where it has not already been done) as an act of evangelism. Moved by Pierce Russell. Seconded by Dennis Cartier. Unanimous.

That the name of “Kent Deanery Ash Wednesday” be changed to “Kent Deanery Holy Day”

Proposed purchase of LED projector and that persons be held responsible for it through a sign in/sign out policy. The deanery would have first priority for its use.

Grace Church, Rondeau requests assistance from deanery for the funding of its summer student programme.

Motion: to accept deanery budget as presented. Moved by Paul Millward. Seconded by George Allen. Unanimous.

Deanery Holy day $500
Mtgatha container $500
LED projector $800
Grace Church, Rondeau $1500
Deanery Leadership $1500

Review of Section 17 Safe Church policy by Regional Dean Paul Millward.

Shirley Cudmore had nothing to report concerning the Diocesan Council.

At a recent meeting in the deanery regarding the accessibility of Deanery churches it was brought to our attention that there is no firm information on whether the standard is set by the diocese, parish or provincial government. If renovations are undertaken at a church, then the act must be followed.

Diocesan directives for 2009:
A) Reach out with the gospel.
B) Who is my neighbour?

Pray for St. Aiden’s, Windsor.

Concern for the workload of the bishop. Area for future discussion.

Next meeting 17 February 2009 7:00 PM at Holy Trinity, Chatham.

Motion to adjourn by Janice Unsworth.

Rewrite of motions to present to Diocesan Executive concerning funding for summer training ministries and examination of alternate forms of funding.


Recomendation to Diocese by Deanery

A) Be it resolved that a task force be set up to investigate alternative ways to elect a Diocesan Council. The task force is to report back to 2010 Synod with options, including the status quo, for Synod Delegates to discuss. (May Synod delegates do not know Synod members from other deaneries. To vote for someone unknown, defeats the purpose of a democratic process and further inhibits the communication process between Council and the grass roots. One alternative that needs to be explored is that of having a certain number of members elected by each deanery and no election at Synod.)
B) Be it resolved that the full cost for parish internship programs be born by the diocese. (The internship program is designed to be of benefit to the entire diocese. Many of the internships are in small, rural parishes that bear the brunt of the cost. If the cost is shared throughout the diocese, everyone pays a little rather than a few paying a lot.)
Kent Deanery Council
Minutes of Meeting
16 September 2008

Secretary: The Reverend Alan Knight
Following a short presentation on Lambeth by Bishop Robert and a time for worship and meditation a meeting of the Deanery of Kent was convened at St. Paul’s, Chatham – 16 September 2008 – 7:00 PM
Jane Cartier, Deanery Council Chair, offered a “did you know session” and outlined the duties of the members of the Diocesan Council.
Following an examination for errors and omissions and the difficulties connected with their distribution by e-mail the minutes were passed unanimously. Moved: Harvey German. Seconded: Dennis Cartier.
In the absence of the treasurer the financial report was presented for information purposes only by Regional Dean Paul Millward.
New Business:
Requests for Regional Funding to be received by 15 October 2008 as well as subsequent reports for use of funding.
Vacation Bible School Report sponsored by Christ Church, Chatham – read
Stan Pepper of St. Paul’s, Chatham – barbeque & day camp for 6 to 12 children
Dennis Cartier spoke concerning the state of Grace Church, Rondeau Bay
The Diocesan budget would be presented at the November deanery by Canon Paul Rathbone
Layreaders’ workshop – Stephen Demitroff
Archdeacon Richard Salt – openings and new positions for clergy in Kent – The Rev’d paul Woolley has accepted St. John’s, Walpole Island. St. Stephen’s, Mitchell’s Bay was designated a Chapel of Ease effective Wednesday, 8 October 2008.
Episcopal Election Update 25 October by Paul Millward. Relevant information can be found on the diocesan website.
Diocesan Council Report by Shirley Cudmore & Simone McGuigan
“Amazing Grace” hymn to be sung in Anglican Churches on 23 November and donations towards Council of the North
Stephen Demitroff reported on outreach programme to Huron’s companion diocese South Africa
George Allen – question concerning details on Residential School payback
Agenda – Sue Malpus – Diocesan Youth co-ordinator will be at Christ Church, Chatham 1-4 PM
“Pizza & Praise” 4:30-6:00 PM. Deanery Executive meeting in morning 9:30-11:30 AM.
25 Oct0ber – Ron Bolohan – Advent Church Transfiguration/ Octoberfest in Ridgetown
Holy Trinity, Chatham – car rally – BBQ & Silent Auction – Sat. 20 October
Trinity, Blenheim – Beef Supper – 17 September

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kent Deanery has a new secretary, the new Rector of Holy Trinity, Chatham. The Rev'd Alan Knight will be inducted into his new parish on Sunday, October 19, at 2 pm. You are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Executive Minutes: March 3, 2008

Kent Deanery Executive Minutes
Mar. 3, 2008
Christ Church

Present were: Rev. Paul Millward- Regional Dean, Jane Cartier. Derwyn Armstong, Shirley Cudmore, Shirley Sewell, Rev. Dave Fuller
Regrets: Lawrene Denkers

Review of Agenda for April 8th Wardens’ and Treasurers’ Meeting

Ø Food to be provided by 3D’s Eats and Treats
Ø Shirley to e-mail clergy for a list of names and addresses of who should be invited to this event
Ø Wardens will meet after dinner in the hall / treasurers will meet in the library area
Ø Invitations will be sent to participants with a March 31st RSVP date
Ø Shirley will send Rev. Millward contact names for Walpole Island
Ø Christ Church will provide set-up, napkins etc.
Ø Shirley will obtain favours / flowers for tables


Grace: Words to tune of Edelweiss

Did you know? Deanery boundaries / who is eligible to attend Deanery Council meetings?
Ø Jane (ShirleyS. to send names of participants to Jane to place in name card holders.)
Ø Shirley S will send Rev. Millward words for songs so they can be projected
6:15 – 7:00

7:00 – 7:40
Wardens’ Presentation led by wardens from Christ Church

Treasurers’ Presentation
Amy Mclellan (is there a handout?Shirley S is to contact Amy)
Dennis Cartier
Ø Derwyn to make a $60 donation to the MRI fund in the name of the presenters
Ø Shirley S will provide 6 thank you cards
7:40 – 7:55
Conversation between Rev. Dave Fuller and his warden Judy Grey concerning the importance of communication

Wrap –Up
Ø Song

Ø Evaluations
1. What did you like best?
2. What could be changed, added or improved?
3. How often should this type of workshop be offered?
Ø Shirley will provide Rev. Millward with words to an appropriate closing song to be projected

Ø Shirley S. will draw up the evaluations

Review of Agenda for May 6th Lay Delegates’ Meeting

Ø Food to be provided by 3D’s Eats and Treats
Ø Shirley to e-mail clergy for a list of names and addresses of who should be invited to this event
Ø Invitations will be sent to participants with a April 30th RSVP date
Ø Christ Church will provide set-up, napkins etc.
Ø Shirley S. will obtain favours / flowers for tables


Grace: Words to tune of Edelweiss

Did you know? What is the role of the lay delegates as suggested in the Imagine Huron report?
Ø Jane (ShirleyS. to send names of participants to Jane to place in name card holders.)
Ø Shirley S will prepare the Imagine Huron information.
6:15 – 7:00

7:00 – 7:40
Motions for Synod

Rev. Millward and Jane will facilitate the discussion.
Simone McGuigan and Shirley Cudmore will facilitate discussion of a second group if numbers warrant.
7:40 – 7:55
Conversation concerning
Kent Presence at Synod

7:55 – 8:00
Wrap –Up
Ø Song

Ø Evaluations
1. What did you like best?
2. What could be changed, added or improved?
3. How often should this type of workshop be offered?
Ø Shirley will provide Rev. Millward with words to an appropriate closing song to be projected

Ø Shirley S. will draw up the evaluations

Review of Agenda for June 22nd Deanery Council Meeting

Ø 3p.m Presentation by Bishop Leidel
Ø Rev. Dave Fuller will provide the beginning worship.
Ø Shirley to buy a gift for Bishop Leidel at Munro Honey
Ø Potluck Dinner to follow meeting
Ø Shirley to e-mail members of Deanery Council and clergy to indicate this is a meeting that is open to all in the Deanery who wish to attend
Ø Invitations will be sent to participants with a June 13th RSVP date
Ø St. Matthew’s will provide set-up, napkins etc.

Next Executive Meeting: August 25, Christ Church 9:30 a.m
Next Deanery Council Meeting : Sept. 16th at 7 p.m.( Rev. Fuller will discuss location of this meeting with Rev. Nelles.)

Minutes: February 19, 2008

Kent Deanery Council
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday Feb. 19, 2008

Ascension, Comber Brenda Richardson

St. Andrew’s, Tilbury Rev. Rob Parker
Barbara Wicks

Christ Church, Chatham Rev. Paul Millward – Regional Dean
Harvey German
Wende Badder
Derwyn Armstrong

Holy Trinity, Chatham Sue Martin

Parish of the Transfiguration Rev. Stephen Demitroff

Christ Church, Dresden Gay Hooper
Janice Ann Unsworth

Church of the Advent, Ridgetown Shirley Cudmore

St. Matthew’s, Florence Shirley Sewell
Myrna Yakubovich

St. Stephen’s Thamesville Carol Cartier

St. Paul’s, Chatham Hugh Vallee
Stan Pepper
Bill Elders

St. Thomas, Dover Heather Bradley
Grace Shaw

Parish of Rondeau Bay
Trinity, Blenheim Rev. Dave Fuller
Judy Grey
Steven Shaw
Sheri Burke
Simone McGuigan
Linda Minnie

St. Paul’s, Erieau Jane Cartier
Dennis Cartier

St. Stephen’s Mitchell’s Bay Rev. Richard Burdon-Murphy

St. James the Apostle, Wallaceburg Rev. Len Myers

St. James the Apostle, Port Lambton Roy Grealis
Jean Wesley
Regrets: Rev. Karen Nelles, Rev. Richard Salt, Ron Bolohan, Linda DeBurger, Lawrene Denkers

The meeting of the Kent Deanery Council was called to order at 7:10 p.m. Everyone was welcomed by Lay Co-chair Jane Cartier.

Worship: Simone McGuigan led a Lenten meditation taken from Out of the Ordinary by Joyce Rupp.

Inclusion Activity: Our lay-chair Jane Cartier asked those present to form small groups for discussion purposes. Members were asked to work with people who were not from their parish. Five minutes was allotted for dialogue on ways decisions are made within the parish you attend. One member from each group reported to the assembly. Cards containing topics discussed were collected so that a composite list could be compiled for sharing.

Minutes of Nov.7th, 2007:
On a motion by Harvey German , seconded by Shirley Cudmore, the minutes were adopted as circulated. CARRIED

Business Arising from the Minutes
Wende Badder presented a report on the Ash Wednesday event “Seeds of Hope”. Fourteen participants braved the wintry weather to learn about what Lent means to an Anglican. An offering of $40 was collected for the community garden project. A full written report is available from the secretary.
Wende also presented a preannouncement concerning the August 18-22 “Lights Camera Action – God is our Director” vacation bible school. This event will be hosted from 9 – 12 each day at Christ Church and is open to the entire deanery. Wende provided posters for each church.
Steve Currie, a member of Adullam Camp Ministries, provided information about the camp to be hosted by St. Paul’s Chatham July 28 – August 1st. This activity is open to students in Grades 1- 6. It will run from 9 – 4 each day. One of the greatest thrusts of this adventure is leadership development. As a result, the camp will be run by trained students.
Members are still being recruited to work on a committee with Rev. Sue Malpus concerning youth ministry.
An Enviroaction CD was provided to each church building. The material contained on the CD is in both word and word perfect. The gist of the CD is how can the church help with saving the environment.

Financial Report
Derwyn Armstrong, treasurer, distributed a financial report. He then moved the acceptance of this report for information This motion was seconded by Rev. Rob Parker. CARRIED

Deanery dues were then distributed. Derwyn presented each parish with a self addressed envelop to return these dues. The dues will remain the same as last year.

Before the election proceeded, Jane Cartier explained the new format that we would be using in the Kent Deanery. There will be a lay chair and a lay vice chair. The regional dean will act as an advisor. Representatives who wish their names to be put forward for election to Diocesan Council will be gathered and then from these names, the Kent Deanery will elect a deanery representative to Diocesan Council. The person elected must win by a 50% majority.

Election of Officers:

Lay Chair: Moved by Harvey German and seconded by Barbara Wicks that Jane Cartier remain as Lay Co-chair. ACCLAIMED

The executive presented the following proposed slate of officers.

Lay Vice Chair : Shirley Sewell

Treasurer: Derwyn Armstrong

Secretary: Lawrene Denkers

Clergy for Executive: Rev. Paul Millward announced that Rev. Len Myers and Rev.
David Fuller had agreed to be the clergy representatives to Deanery Council Executive.

Lay Representatives to Executive: Shirley Cudmore and Sue Martin

Youth Council Representatives to Synod:
Eric Vandevelde – St. James, Wallaceburg
Geoff Millward – Christ Church, Chatham
Anthony Praill from Christ Church, Chatham will attend as an observer.

All positions were acclaimed as presented.

Up to 5 Deanery Representatives to submit names for election to Diocesan Council: Shirley Cudmore, Harvey German, Derwyn Armstrong, Simone Mcguigan put forward their names.

Deanery Representative to Diocesan Council : after four ballots, Shirley Cudmore was declared our deanery rep.
On a motion by Dennis Cartier, seconded by Sue Martin, the ballots were destroyed.

Library Committee: Shirley Sewell, Sue Martin, Rev. Karen Nelles and Rev. David Fuller will remain as the library committee.
Library kits were distributed as follows:
St. Matthews, Florence
St. Pauls, Chatham
St. James, Wallaceburg
Church of the Advent, Ridgetown
Trinity, Blenheim
Holy Trinity, Chatham

Archdeacon’s Report:
Rev. Salt sent his regrets. Rev. Millward distributed a handout outlining the duties of Territorial Archdeacons.

Break: Treats for this meeting were provided by St. Matthew’s, Florence and St. Stephens, Thamesville.

Report of Diocesan Council:
Simone McGuigan reported that:
Ø the budget was passed
Ø there were 9200 plus at the Sesquicentennial service
Ø the cross was damaged during its circulation. Repairs have been made but the rotation throughout the diocese was not completed.
Ø the settlement fund over payments will be forthcoming
Ø property insurance notices have been distributed
Ø Bishop Leidel has visited 35 parishes thus far
Ø parishes are asked to get their “Who is my neighbour?” demographic information completed and submitted
Ø the orders for the Sesquicentennial commemoration book must be in by Feb.25. There will be no reorders possible.

Other Business:
1. The Lay Readers’ training will take place on March 29 and April 5 in Dresden from 9-3. Rev. Demitroff indicated that topics to be discussed are biblical insight, theology, preaching, liturgy and leadership.
2. We are still looking for members on committees in the Deanery.
3. There will be a wardens and treasurers appreciation dinner on April 8th at Christ Church. The event will be from 6 – 8:30. Dinner will be followed by a sharing time.
4. The lay delegates will be invited to enjoy a similar evening on May 6 at Holy Trinity.
5. On June 22 Deanery Council will be held at 3p.m. at St. Matthew’s, Florence. Bishop Leidel will be our guest speaker that day. A pot luck dinner will follow.
6. A regular deanery council meeting will be held in September.
7. On April 12th a Bishop’s Module of Fresh Start will take place in Florence at St. Matthew’s. Gathering will begin at 9:30 followed by a 10a.m. start. The day will conclude at 12 with a catered lunch.
8. On a motion by Dennis Cartier, seconded by Rev. Demitroff, 15 extra Sesquicentennial books will be purchased by the deanery to be used as gifts and for purchase by churches requiring more copies after the cut-off date and 5 additional books be purchased for the deanery library for a total of 20 books. Carried.

Bill Elders asked that when intercessions are being prepared, that the need for doctors in our area be a consideration that is included in the prayers offered.

Grace: was said by all present following a motion for adjournment by Rev. Rob Parker.

Upcoming Meetings:
April 8: Warden and Treasurers’ celebration at Christ Church, Chatham.
April 12: Fresh Start Bishop’s Module at St. Matthew’s, Florence
May 6: Lay Delegate celebration at Holy Trinity, Chatham
June 22: Meet Bishop Leidel at St. Matthew’s, Florence

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Agenda for February 2008

Kent Deanery Council Agenda
Christ Church, Chatham
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008, at 7:00 p.m.

1. Registration –please update your Parish information

2. Welcome and Introductions – Jane Cartier

3. Worship – Simone McGuigan

4. Inclusion Activity

5. Minutes of Nov. 7, 2007, Meeting

6. Business Arising from the Minutes
~ report on Ash Wednesday Deanery Event

7. Financial Report
~ Deanery Fees for 2008

8. Election – chaired by Rev. Paul Millward
~ Lay Chair
~ Deputy Lay Chair
~ Treasurer
~ Secretary
~ 2 clergy for Deanery Executive
~ 2 lay for Deanery Executive
~ 2 Youth Representatives for Synod
~ 1 Deanery Representative for Diocesan Council
~ up to 5 Deanery Reps to submit names for Executive
~ Library Committee

9. Archdeacon’s Report

10. Break

11. Report of Diocesan Council – Simone McGuigan

12. Other Business
~ dates for future deanery event reports
~ update on Lay Reader event
~ committee membership
~ format of this year’s upcoming meetings
~ Fresh Start Bishop’s Module April 12th
~ Imagine Huron report

13. Announcements

14. Adjournment/Grace